MHB Gypsy Ponies, LLC

Purebred Gypsy Ponies 10-13hh

Dam: WW Leanne

Sire: Feather Hill Pippin

2008 Flaxen Sorrel mare


13.2hh - GVHS

Sire: Feather Hill Pippin

Dam: WW Leanne

Willow Wind Brighid Lasair has joined us here at MHB Gypsy Ponies! Brighid is a daughter of 4 Star rated mare, WW Leanne and the ONLY foal sired by Feather Hill Pippin.  She is grand daughter of SD Jack and Boromir, great grand daughter to SD Chief and Bob the Blagdon, TRIPLE bred Old Horse of Wales, TRIPLE bred Old Horse of Ireland, double bred The Kent Horse, and also goes back to The Old Henry Horse, The Old Paddy Horse and Diamond Cutter!  She is heavy, stocky, traditional old-style lines through and through, has superb quality foals and is absolutely the sweetest mare on Earth!  She is a TANK weighing in at 1200#, but she moves with grace, she is sure-footed on the trails and is very agile and light footed for how hefty she is!  If you like both great movement and build, Brighid stamps all her foals consistently with her type and build!

PM if interested in reserving your dream foal from this lovely mare!

Foals by Brighid